How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing GuideLearning Facebook marketing is essential to get the most out of your products or services online. Facebook Marketing is one of the Major Part of Digital Marketing. As you may have heard about digital marketing in many places, Facebook marketing is a big part of digital marketing.


In today's lesson, I will teach you the Fundamentals of Facebook Ads Manager. It's Important to properly learn how to use Facebook Ads Manager to generate profits and sales by reaching out to Maximum people online for your products or services.

I will explain to you the Facebook Ad Manager options, and How can you boost your sales and profits by using them?

Facebook has all those infrastructures for growing a business. Facebook has given business owners the Infrastructure they can use to take your business to the next level. So, let's get started.

First, you will login to your account, you can see a Create option click here. There are many options, click on the Ad.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Add Your Mastercard

A new interface will open, you need a Mastercard to run ad campaigns on Facebook. Click Ads Manager.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Now we will click on the billing option. Then Click Leave this page.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Now a new interface will be open then we will click on payment settings.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

From here you can include your Mastercard, click on the Add Payment Method.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Add your name, add 12-digit numbers, add Expiry Date and add 3-digit code to the back of the card and Click on Continue.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

After your card is added to Facebook, Facebook will automatically charge you dollars whenever you boost a post on Facebook or run an ad campaign.
Facebook marketing is also called SMM marketing, which means social media marketing.

No matter what business you are doing, you can enrich your target customers with this Facebook marketing. What I mean by Target Customer is that if you are selling T-shirts, then your target audience is the younger generation, they can be ages 15 to 25, You can take your product to target these 15 to 25-year-old generations.

Brand Awareness

Here we see many options, under the option you click, some more options will appear. First of all, let's talk about brand awareness, brand awareness means that you want to increase your brand, exposure through social media marketing.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Brand awareness means you want to build your business into a brand. Many times, many companies promote but do not directly promote their products. They run various video awareness campaigns.

They do not sell products by this campaign. They Increase their brand Awareness, you also want to increase your brand awareness but do not want to sell any product, you want to build a brand identity so that people remember your brand name.


Reach means reaching out to the customer, you want to run a campaign where you reach a Maximum customer, and if you generate a sale of your product or service, you can select Reach.


Suppose you have a website that is an e-commerce website where you upload your products or services beautifully.

Or do you have any other consulting firm, real estate company, a restaurant company, the business of any kind, so you want to send traffic to your website?

Each traffic is single customer traffic means the visitor or customer is the same thing. If you want to send traffic to your website, you can bring Facebook visitors to Your website. If you Want to do this, you should select the traffic option and set the campaign accordingly.


You certainly want your campaign to be Maximum Engagement, Engagement means Like Comment and Sharing. When you run the Campaign by Select the Engagement option, Facebook will bring your advertising to the public so that people do like, comment, and share.

App Installs

This option is for app developers, many app developers are developing Android apps and IOS apps, they will use this option, Suppose you are an Android app developer, you can create an Android app, You have an app in the Play Store, the apps you want to market on Facebook.

As a user downloads and uses your app on Facebook, In that case, you must use the App Install option, Facebook will take this add on the wall to Facebook users, and tell them to install the app.

Video Views

Many companies offer video promotion. If you want to boost a video or run a video campaign, if you have a commercial promotional video created, you will choose video views.

Lead Generation

Lead generation can be anything, think you've run a campaign, the campaign has reached the wall of 100 people and has bought only 10 of those 100 people, so your lead generation is 10%, this is your target.

Another target might be that you do not want a sale from this campaign. You want people to sign up for your website for free.

Lead generation means you can also generate sales You can sign up It depends entirely on your target Do you want to sign up on your web site Do you want to install your app, The lead generation is given differently for what you want to do.


You want to get customer feedback, you are selling a product or service, but you don't know what the customer thinks about your service, you want to do a little research on the customer to get their views so you can run your other campaigns better. You can use the messages option to capture people's opinions.


Conversions are One Kind of Lead Generation: You want to convert users who are on Facebook as customers. From a Facebook user to your website's customer, Converting a customer to selling is a conversion, reach conversions is the same thing.

Catalog sales

When you boost your selection of this catalog sales by targeting the Audience, Facebook will automatically display the right products from your catalog near the target audience.

Store visits

If you have an e-commerce website you want Facebook Users to drive to Your website to visit them, you can run the campaign by selecting the Store visits option.

Set your Campaign

Now click on the Reach and scroll to page down.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Campaign Budget

There are two options for setting a budget One Daily Budget Another Lifetime Budget You can choose the budget as per your choice and click Set up an ad account.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Ad account

The country from which you are managing your Facebook account will appear here, select your currency which the currency you want your ad campaign to run and select your time zone and click Continue.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Ad Set Name

Then a new interface will open, here you will first give your ad's name.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide


Choose the Facebook Page that you want to promote, remember one thing, Facebook Ad Campaigns cannot be accessed from your personal account, you need to do this from your Facebook Business Page, so you know how to create a Facebook Business Page. Select your page.


The Audience section is very important. Here you will select your audiences, to which audience would you like to promote your product or service?

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Here you see an option called Custom Audience. If you have a list of the customer email ID, if you give a list of active customers to this option, your campaign will show on their wall.


Set your target location where you want to campaign. If you Want to Campaign in the United States, enter the United States.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Age Gender

Select the age of the customers you want to sell the product. And select gender.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Detailed Targeting

It is very important, that you can target your customers with these three things, Demographics Interests Behaviors. Depending on the keywords you put here, your campaign will show Facebook on various people's walls. Select your keywords.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide


You can select the language if you need to. It's not mandatory.


You can choose from those who have liked Already on your Facebook page or want to show it to their friends' wall. You can save this entire campaign if you want.


You should always keep your Placements Automatic. Because Facebook automatically recommends.

Optimization for ad Delivery

From here you can choose how your ad is delivered, we selected Reach when we started this campaign, so Reach is recommended.


If you want, you can set the schedule of the campaign, depending on how many days you want to run the campaign.

Then leave the rest of the options by default and click continue.

Ad name

Give this ad a name This name will appear in reporting. It Will never be seen by visitors or customers.


You can change your Facebook page from here.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Carousel Slider

Here are two formats for promoting your product or service on Facebook, one is the carousel slider,

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Carousel means where there are different products and Where are two buttons to the left and right, clicking on the right side brings more products to the right and left side click brings more products or images to the left, this is called the carousel slider.

If you would like to have that type of carousel slider promotion, you can select it.

Single Image or Video

If you only want to promote with a single image or video, you can select it, at the beginning of the campaign, we saw that there is an option called video views, by Selecting that an option you will also see these options are displayed here. So, select it if you want to promote it with a single image or video.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Text & links

After selecting the format, add the image, then write some text as you like, add Headline, add a short description, add your website URL.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Add Display link (optional, you can add buttons, you can add language if you want, click Confirm, leaving the rest of the options default.

How to Use Facebook Ads Campaign Facebook Marketing Guide

Then Facebook will review it, if all is fine, then your ad will be approved by Facebook, and your ad will continue to run on Facebook since doing approved.

If for some reason your ad is not approved, Facebook will notify you why your ad was not approved, you can run a new ad campaign again and avoid the earlier mistakes, Don't make the same a mistake over and over again, Facebook may suspend your Ad Manager.

So be careful about this, so this was about creating an overall Facebook marketing or ad manager campaign, see you again for something new.

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