How to Learn Graphic Design Online Free Courses those of us who want to learn graphic design should first know what is graphic design. Do you know how to learn graphic design online free?

How to Learn Graphic Design

The graphic is a German word, meaning an image or line. And design means less than we all know if we look at the definition of graphic design. The process of creating or designs by an image in a simple Language called graphic design.

Graphic design is such a valuable and respected profession in the world. A graphic designer can discover new Designs by utilizing his creative ideas and using various software and tools. If you want to build a successful career online or offline, graphic design may be right for your decision.

Now let's know what we will learn from this course. This course will cover all the topics related to graphic design. And will be tech from Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Basic to advanced labels. I designed this course as a beginner freelancing can build your smart career by learning graphic design.

Where can I work to learn graphic design?

How to Learn Graphic Design

Today, I will tell you how to make your career through graphic design. Many of us want to earn extra income besides employment. Graphic design is one of the ways you can earn money, and if you can take this profession. You can earn a lot of money a month by taking it as a full-time job.

Graphic Design Creating designs for printing and publishing through written pictures or videos. they create logo cover banner posters, photo editing, and video editing are a part of graphic design. Different companies hire graphic designs for their various jobs.

For example, creating a logo for a new company and a banner to promote their company. This time they will get the help of a graphic designer. It may also be that the company does not have a graphic designer, in which case they will hire a designer from the online marketplace.

And give the designer the logo and banner they demand. They will tell the designer what they need on that logo and the banner and that the designer has specific money, and hand over those logos and banners to them within a specified period,

Now let's get to the main point, first of all, we have to figure it out. Which graphic design theme do you want to Choose? Because there are so many different things. When it comes to Graphic design matters you want to build your career, it is important to choose the beginning.

Because if you make a mistake in the election, this wrong decision can become a big problem for you in the future. For this reason, we must first understand our needs. We will build our career on any topic of graphic design.

Now let's know where can I work in Graphic Design, that is to learn graphic design? If you can develop yourself as a skilled graphic designer, your needs are enormous.
If you want to establish yourself in freelancing online. Or if you want to work offline but need a graphic designer in every office or the company, then you can join any reputed company as a skilled graphic designer.

What Does a Graphic Designer Do?

Now our question maybe what kind of work does a Graphic Designer do? If we think a little bit about what is artificial around us, everything has a Graphic touch. The graphic design sector is Very Broad, but the work that a graphic designer usually does,

For example, Business Card Design, Logo Design, Ad Design, Web Banner Design, Digital Image Processing, Flyer Design, Poster Design, Web Template Design, PSD Template Design, T-Shirt Design, Web/Mobile I-con Design, Brochure Design, Envelope Design, Book Cover Design, etc.

Design Fundamentals

Many of us just understand graphic design and learn some tools and Photoshop and Illustrator software. However, it is not possible to become a skilled designer only by learning the tools and software. A realistic graphic designer must know the fundamentals of design.

The main four elements in any design are text, color, shape, and images. When we combine these four elements and throw a message or interact visually with the audience, it will be graphic design.

Also, have ideas about color theory typography and the principal of design. So in this course, we will talk about Total Graphic Design, but before that, we should know the fundamentals of Graphic Design. In that continuation in today's first lesson, we will give a basic idea about color theory and typography.

What is Color?

How to Learn Graphic Design

First, we will discuss What is color? Color plays an essential role in Personal life or design. Color is a kind of perception. Suppose when we look at the sky a specific wavelength of light comes into our eyes and sends a signal from our eyes to our brain, that signal tells Our brain that it is blue, and then we realize that it is blue. In the same way, wherever we look, each object reflects a different wavelength of light and sends a signal to our brain, making us realize all the colors

Color Theory Primary Color

Primary Color

Do we know a thing? The Basic color is that from the colors in the world, the primary color is three. And it is red, blue, and yellow, as well as all the other colors that came from these three colors. If you think a little bit, when we Like a product, I decide within two minutes that yes, I like this product. It can be any product also this thing happens for the color. That is, people give more quality to the color.

And that's why color means given a lot of importance in terms of branding anything. For example, we prefer color to focus on Certain points or to convey a message. We may have noticed that some of the colors look very bad at the same time while keeping some colors side by side looks very good and looks beautiful. Do you know why this is so? The reason is color theory.

Secondary Color

Secondary Color

If we are Discussing color theory, then we must first discuss the primary color, which we have already mentioned. And the primary colors are never recreated. We already know the primary colors are red, blue, And yellow, these three colors mixed each other are the colors that move created as the secondary colors. Like mixing red and yellow, we get orange color, then mixing yellow and blue we get green color, then mixing blue and red we get the purple color.

Color Wheel

Now If We mix the primary colors and the secondary colors with each other, then we will get the tertiary colors. The is how the primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors, as well as the Basic colors, are made by the wheel.



Not know about some of the color properties. There are three main features of each color, that is called HSV. H means hue S means saturation and V mean Value. Let's start with the hue, the hue is another name of the color, Saturation means the color is more vibrant or less vibrant. and the Value is the amount of color that is darker or lighter. I have come to give you a basic idea about color theory. I will automatically understand This next detail when we work.

What is typography?

What is typography? In a word, we have to say that the artistic presentation of writing, typography has been going on for many ages, which we know as the calligraphy of ancient times, typography is one of the designs, the perfect use of typography can be-brought to perfection in the design. There is no substitute for the look, mood, exceptions, or creativity of the outside of the design, so Typography is very important in the design.


Suppose you are writing some text in a design, Then how to write these texts will be visible or look good in our eyes we can say typography. Maybe when you are writing your name, you make the first letter a little bigger, then make the second letter a little shorter, then make some characters a little curved, finally notice that the design has a different dimension and the look on the outside looks pretty good, The artistic representation of what we call this total process is typography.

Hopefully, if we understand the basics, then in the course, we will first try to learn the details about Adobe Photoshop, and after learning Adobe Photoshop We will learn Adobe Illustrator, and we will learn each of the software tools individually. Hopefully, the course will be so helpful for us. One thing to keep in mind, do not jump, that is, today we will learn this task, tomorrow we will learn another, it cannot move done. Have to work patiently, and practice what you read in this article. If we do not practice these things in our mind, then practice daily.

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