Today I will talk about business cards. How to make a business card in Photoshop? business card design on photoshop with business card dimensions.

How to make a business card in Photoshop

First, we have a new document for creating a business card. First, you have to go to File, then click New or press the keyboard shortcut Control+N

Set Up a New Document

Step 1

A dialog box will open from the file, and fill in the following. Name Business Card. Width 3.25 Inches Height 1.75 Inches. Resolution 300 Pixels/Inch. Color Mode CMYK Color 8bit. Background Contents White. Then all set click the Create button.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Setup Guideline

Step 2

Before we begin, we need to make sure that a few options are enabled. Now we will take the guideline. Go to the view Click on the roller or press Control+R.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 3

We will set up a guideline around this safe area.
Click on the roller and Drag it with the mouse to place the guideline around the safe area.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 4

Go to Image click Canvas size or press Alt+Ctrl+C. Now we will increase the .25 inches around. Width 3.5 inches. Height 2 inches. Then we will click on the OK button.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 5

Now, we will create the Trim Guidelines. This part will be Trimmed after any printing. Click on the Roller and Drag it with the mouse to place the guideline around the document.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 6

Again, we need to increase the Canvas size to .25 inches. Go to Image click Canvas size or press Alt+Ctrl+C. Width 3.75 inches. Height 2.25 inches. Then we will click on the OK button.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 7

Now all is done. The guideline needs to be locked in the current position. Go to View and click Lock Guides or press Alt+Ctrl+; the guide will Be locked.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

How to Create a Design Name Address and Color Apply

Step 1                                                                                              

Select the Rectangle Tool from the Toolbar and click on the documents. Set Width: 455 px, and Height: 675 px, and click OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 2

Double-click on the Layer Thumbnail applies on the color and press OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 3

Go to Edit click Free Transform or press Ctrl+T drag and set your Skew position.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 4

Select the Rectangle Tool from the Toolbar or press Ctrl+U and click on the documents. Set Width: 8 px, and Height: 675 px, and click OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 5

Applies color and press OK. And Drag and set your Skew position. Double-click on the Layer text, rename Layer press Enter.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 6

Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool from the Toolbar or press Ctrl+U and click on the documents. Set Width: 485 px, and Height: 66 px, and set Radius Left corner 15 px, Right corner 0 px and click OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 7

Now apply the color of your choice. And drag the Shape to its Specific position.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 8

Select the Layer from the Layers panel. And go to Layer from the Menu bar, and select Duplicate Layer and rename to copy press Ok or press Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+J.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 9

Select the copied Layer and Double click on the Layer Thumbnail select color and press OK to apply Color.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 10

As before, we will Copy the Layer from the menu bar and rename the layer. And Apply the Color. Select the copied Layer and Double click on the Layer Thumbnail select color and press OK to apply Color.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 11

Select 3 Layer from the Layers Panel. Create a new Group or press Ctrl+G.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

How to Create an Icon Background

Step 1

Now select Rounded Rectangle Tool or press Ctrl+U. Set Width: 66 px, and Height: 66 px, Radius all corner 15 px, and click OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 2

Double click on the Layer text change name. Double click on the Layer Thumbnail select color and press OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 3

Now we will copy the Icon Bg layer press Ctrl+J twice. Then apply different colors as before. And go to Edit click Free Transform or press Ctrl+T drag and set your design position.

After that Select 3 Icon Bg Layer from the Layers Panel. Create a new Group Folder or press Ctrl+G and rename Icon Bg.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

How to Create and Use Custom Shapes and Contact Icons

Step 1

Our Design and Icon Background is Ready. Now we will use the Contact icons and custom shape. Go to Toolbar select Custom Shape Tool. Click Custom Shape Picker, First, we select the address icon.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 2

Click on the canvas, Check Preserve Proportions, set Width: 38 px and click OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 3

Go to Layer from the Layers Panel. Rename icon. Double click on the Layer Thumbnail and apply color press OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 4

Click Ctrl+T or Free Transform, then drag the icon and place it on the icon background.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 5

In the same way, we will create the rest of the icons on the Icon Background. Select 3 Icon Layer from the Layers Panel. Create a new Group or press Ctrl+G and rename.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

How to Create a Phone, Email, and Website Information Text

Step 1

Go to Horizontal Type Tool from the toolbar, Set the Character and The paragraph before typing. In Character, select font set the font size and style. In the paragraph, Select Left align text and Select color.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 2

Click anywhere on the canvas, type Separate in the phone number +00 123 456 789, email, and address 123 South Avenue, New York 71682. Click Ctrl+T or Free Transform, then drag the text and place it on the text background. Select 3 text layer set Align left edges. Press Ctrl+G Create a new Group and this name (Contact).

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

How to Create the Name and Title Text in Business card

Step 1

Click Horizontal Type Tool from the toolbar or press T. Set in Character, font size is 12 pt, font style Regular, In the paragraph, select Right align text and select color press OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 2

Let's create titles. Click Horizontal Type Tool or press T. Font size is 7 pt, font style Bold, select Right align text and apply color and click on the canvas Type Graphic Designer press OK.

Click Free Transform or press Ctrl+T. Then drag the title text and position it to Align right edges evenly below the name.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 3

Now we will organize the names of these two layers. Select Both layers Create a new Group or press Ctrl+G. Keep the name this group Name & Title and click OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

How to Use the Logo and Tagline

Step 1

Go to Toolbar select Custom Shape Tool. Click Custom Shape Picker, select any Logo Shape.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 2

Click on the canvas, Check to Preserve Proportions, set Width: 100 px and click OK. Then we will name this layer the logo. And apply on the color.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 3

Now we will create the Tagline. Click Horizontal Type Tool from the toolbar or press T. Set in Character, font size is 10 pt, font style Bold, In the paragraph, select Left to align text and select color press OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 4

Put the tagline logo below. Now select two layers. Set Align Horizontal centers. Create a new Group or press Ctrl+G. Rename this group logo & tagline and click OK.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 5

Now we will remove the guides. Go to view from the menu bar, click Clear Guides.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Step 6

Congratulations! The business card is now complete. The back part has to create the same way. Next, we will learn how to do business card Mockup.

How to Make Business Card in Photoshop

Now go to the file to save the business card. Click Save PSD JPEG PNG PDF any format. And Save any location of your computer.

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